Tuam Tshoj 2021 Oem Comercial Bodytrain Sib Nqus Nres Spinning Tsheb kauj vab Pro Ce spinning tsheb kauj vab Nrog ntsiav tshuaj tuav Hoobkas thiab manufacturers |LDK

2021 Oem Comercial Bodytrain Sib Nqus Nres Nres Spinning Bike Pro Exercise Spin Bike Nrog ntsiav tshuaj

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Txheej txheem cej luam
Cov ntsiab lus ceev
Combo Set Muaj:
Qhov Chaw Keeb Kwm:
Hebei, Suav
Hom Lub Npe:
Qauv nab npawb:
Qauv: LDK-710R118
1380 * 650 * 1240mm, 1380 * 650 * 1240mm
Khoom siv:
Aluminium Alloy
Yog lawm
Tub los ntxhais:
Daim ntawv thov:
Siv Hauv Tsev, Tsev, Gym, Club thiab lwm yam.
Khoom npe:
Oem Comercial Bodytrain Sib Nqus Nres Nres Spinning Bike Pro Exercise
Calories, Ceev
Transmission Gear:
Ob txoj siv txoj siv sia, Super ntsiag to suab nrog Plastic pedals
Flywheel Nyhav:
6kg ob-txoj kev sib nqus tswj log
Pob Dimension:
1400 * 650 * 300 hli
Txheem export packing / Raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau.
38.5/43 Kg
Nyhav Peev Xwm:
120/180 Kg
Muaj peev xwm muab khoom
1000 Pairs / Pairs Ib Hlis Oem Comercial Bodytrain Sib Nqus Nres Nres Spinning Bike Exercise

Ntim & Xa
Ntim Cov Lus Qhia
Txheem export packing / Raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau.1) Ntoo rooj plaub 2) EPE ua npuas ncauj thiab npuas zaj duab xis2021 Oem Comercial Bodytrain Sib Nqus Nres Sib Nqus Sib Nqus Tsheb kauj vab Pro Cuam Tshuam Tsheb kauj vab Nrog ntsiav tshuaj
Chaw nres nkoj

Lub Sijhawm Lead:
Quantity (Pieces) 1-500 > 500
Est.Sijhawm (hnub) 30 Yuav tsum sib tham

2021 Oem Comercial Bodytrain Sib Nqus Nres Nres Spinning Bike Pro Exercise Spin Bike Nrog ntsiav tshuaj

Khoom npe 2021 Oem Comercial Bodytrain Sib Nqus Nres Nres Spinning Bike Pro Exercise Spin Bike Nrog ntsiav tshuaj
Qauv NO. Qauv: LDK-710R118
Electronic zaub Calories, Ceev
Hloov Gear Ob txoj siv txoj siv sia, Super ntsiag to suab nrog Plastic pedals
Flywheel 6kg ob-txoj kev sib nqus tswj log
Nres Rigging Down nres tsim, 8 theem hloov

1380 * 650 * 1240mm

Pob Dimension 1400 * 650 * 300 hli
NW/GW 38.5/43 Kg
Manufacturing tus qauv Teb chaws Europe N957 tus qauv
Peev xwm 120/180 Kg
Kev nyab xeeb Peb muaj kev tswj xyuas nruj nruj.Tag nrho cov khoom, qauv, qhov chaw thiab cov khoom yuav tsum xeem dhau tag nrho cov kev xeem ua ntej loj ntau lawm thiab xa khoom xa tuaj
Ntim Txheem export packing / Raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau.1) Ntoo rooj plaub 2) EPE ua npuas ncauj thiab npuas zaj duab xis
Daim ntawv thov Txhua yam khoom siv dag zog tuaj yeem siv rau kev cob qhia, chaw ua kis las, gymnasium, clubs, tsev kawm qib siab thiab tsev thiab lwm yam.





SHENZHEN LDK INDUSTRIAL CO., LTDnyob hauv Shenzhen, Peb lub Hoobkas tau qhib nws lub qhov rooj hauv xyoo 1981 thiab muaj 50,000 tus tswvsquare meters Hoobkas.Peb muab kev pabcuam thiab kev txhawb nqa rau txhua qhov kev xav tau kev ua kis las, suav nrog kev ntaus pob basketball, cov khoom siv gymnastic, gymnastic lev, cov khoom siv hauv tsev / sab nraum zoov thiab lwm yam.


                                                                        Factory Shows






(1) Koj puas muaj R & D department?
Yog lawm, txhua tus neeg ua haujlwm hauv chav haujlwm muaj ntau tshaj 5 xyoos kev paub.Rau txhua tus neeg siv khoom OEM thiab ODM, peb muab kev pabcuam tsim dawb yog tias xav tau.

(2) Qhov kev pab cuam tom qab muag yog dab tsi?
Teb hauv 24 teev, 12 lub hlis lav, thiab lub sijhawm ua haujlwm txog 10 xyoo.

(3) Lub sijhawm khoom xa tuaj yog dab tsi?
Feem ntau nws yog 7-10 hnub rau cov qauv, 20-30 hnub rau cov khoom loj thiab qhov no txawv nrog rau lub caij.

(4) Koj puas tuaj yeem npaj cov khoom xa tuaj rau peb?
Yog, los ntawm hiav txwv, los ntawm huab cua lossis los ntawm kev nthuav qhia, peb muaj kev muag khoom thiab pab pawg xa khoom los muab kev pabcuam zoo tshaj plaws thiab sai.

(5) Koj puas tuaj yeem luam peb lub logo?
Yog lawm, nws yog dawb yog tias qhov kev txiav txim kom muaj nuj nqis txog MOQ.

(6) Koj cov nqe lus ua lag luam yog dab tsi?
Lub sij hawm nqe: FOB, CIF, EXW.Lub sijhawm them nyiaj: 30% tso nyiajua ntej, sib npaug los ntawm T / T ua ntej xa zaub mov.
(7) Lub pob yog dab tsi?
Txheem export packing / Raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau.
1) Ntoo rooj plaub 2) EPE ua npuas ncauj thiab npuas zaj duab xis.


2021 Oem Comercial Bodytrain Sib Nqus Nres Nres Spinning Bike Pro Exercise Spin Bike Nrog ntsiav tshuaj

2021 Oem Comercial Bodytrain Sib Nqus Nres Nres Spinning Bike Pro Exercise Spin Bike Nrog ntsiav tshuaj
2021 Oem Comercial Bodytrain Sib Nqus Nres Nres Spinning Bike Pro Exercise Spin Bike Nrog ntsiav tshuaj
Rov qab mus rau nplooj ntawv


  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:


    5 Tus lej 24 thib ob txhaj tshuaj rau kev ntaus pob


    5 Tus lej 24 thib ob txhaj tshuaj rau kev ntaus pob


    5 Tus lej 24 thib ob txhaj tshuaj rau kev ntaus pob


    5 Tus lej 24 thib ob txhaj tshuaj rau kev ntaus pob


    5 Tus lej 24 thib ob txhaj tshuaj rau kev ntaus pob

    5 Tus lej 24 thib ob txhaj tshuaj rau kev ntaus pob

    (1) Koj puas muaj R & D department?

    Yog lawm, txhua tus neeg ua haujlwm hauv chav haujlwm muaj ntau tshaj 5 xyoos kev paub.Rau

    tag nrho cov neeg siv khoom OEM thiab ODM, peb muab kev pabcuam tsim dawb yog tias xav tau.


    (2) Qhov kev pab cuam tom qab muag yog dab tsi?

    Teb hauv 24 teev, 12 lub hlis lav, thiab lub sijhawm ua haujlwm txog 10 xyoo.


    (3) Lub sijhawm khoom xa tuaj yog dab tsi?

    Feem ntau nws yog 7-10 hnub rau cov qauv, 20-30 hnub rau cov khoom loj thiab qhov no txawv nrog rau lub caij.


    (4) Koj puas tuaj yeem npaj cov khoom xa tuaj rau peb?

    Yog, los ntawm hiav txwv, los ntawm huab cua lossis los ntawm kev nthuav qhia, peb muaj kev muag khoom thiab kev xa khoom

    pab neeg muab kev pabcuam zoo tshaj plaws thiab sai


    (5) Koj puas tuaj yeem luam peb lub logo?

    Yog lawm, nws yog dawb yog tias qhov kev txiav txim kom muaj nuj nqis txog MOQ.


    (6) Koj cov nqe lus ua lag luam yog dab tsi?

    Lub sij hawm nqe: FOB, CIF, EXW.Lub sijhawm them nyiaj: 30% tso nyiaj

    ua ntej, sib npaug los ntawm T / T ua ntej xa khoom


    (7) Lub pob yog dab tsi?

    LDK Safe Neutral 4 txheej pob, 2 txheej EPE, 2 txheej weaving hnab,

    los yog tas luav thiab ntoo tas luav rau cov khoom tshwj xeeb.

    Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb